LED Lego Wall
An interactive installation that uses oversized Legos to plot the users’ spending . When the user puts a Lego on the board it lights up!
Create an interactive and innovative experience inspired by the bank’s proprietary mobile application with a mission of co-create your finances.
The visitor walks to the freestanding Lego Wall and using oversized Legos, plot their spending using custom-built Legos that light up.
It is a custom designed and built, freestanding wall with conductive traces laid down on oversized Lego baseplates. Oversized Lego bricks were designed with connected LEDs and arranged in a way that when placed on the board in any orientation, the LED leads would make contact with the conductive traces and light one of the LEDs.
We ideated and iterated on the concept, solving the question of how to make the process of thinking about your money expenditure an interesting, fun, engaging and not overwhelming experience. We also prototyped it and built it, down to soldering all the lights.
The installation was commissioned by Ernst & Young for the Union Square Citibank branch.